My Home Porch


Protect Your Porch from Squirrel Damage

Squirrels can cause damage to your porch, but there are various options to deter them and protect your space. One of the first steps you can take is to make your property less attractive to squirrels. Keep food sources away from your house, such as bird feeders and plastic garbage cans, as these can attract squirrels. By removing these tempting food sources, you can reduce the chances of squirrels visiting your porch.

Another effective method is to use repellents. Sprays with coyote urine are a popular choice, as they mimic the presence of a predator and deter squirrels from approaching your porch. Alternatively, you can create a homemade repellent by mixing cayenne pepper with water and spraying it around your porch. The strong scent of these repellents can discourage squirrels from coming near.

If repellents alone don’t seem to do the trick, consider installing a hardware barrier or using squirrel-proof mesh screens for your porch. These screens are designed to be chew-resistant, preventing squirrels from causing damage. You can find a variety of porch screening options, ranging from standard materials like fiberglass screens to specialized options like Super Solar Screening and TuffScreen. These screens provide durability, increased privacy, improved visibility, and protection from sun, pets, and bugs.

Different Porch Screen Options

When selecting porch screens, it’s important to consider your specific needs and preferences. Fiberglass screens are a popular choice due to their durability and protection from squirrels and other potential threats. They offer a balance between strength and visibility, making them an attractive option for many homeowners.

Screen TypeBenefits
Super Solar ScreeningAdvanced UV protection and glare reduction
TuffScreenExtra strength and resistance to tears and punctures

In addition to considering your porch’s protection, take into account your desired level of privacy and the amount of visibility you prefer. Different porch screens offer varying degrees of privacy, allowing you to create a comfortable and secure space. By selecting the right porch screen material, you can enjoy the benefits of additional sun protectionpet protection, and defense against bugs, ensuring a pleasant porch experience for you and your family.

Effective Squirrel Deterrent Methods

If you’re looking for effective ways to keep squirrels off your porch, there are solutions that can help. Squirrels can be a nuisance, causing damage to screens and furniture. You can employ various deterrent methods to protect your porch from these furry intruders.

Making Your Property Less Attractive

One way to discourage squirrels from visiting your porch is to eliminate food sources that may attract them. Keep bird feeders away from your house, as squirrels are notorious for raiding them. Using plastic garbage cans with tight-fitting lids can also prevent squirrels from accessing food scraps. Removing these temptations can reduce the likelihood of squirrels being drawn to your porch.

“Keeping your porch clean and free of fallen fruits and nuts is another way to make it less appealing to squirrels.”

Repellents and Hardware Barriers

If making your property less attractive doesn’t solve the problem, you can try using repellents. Sprays with coyote urine can create a scent that squirrels find unappealing. Another option is a homemade repellent made with cayenne pepper, which can be sprayed or sprinkled around your porch. Mothballs or ammonia-soaked rags placed strategically can also deter squirrels from venturing too close.

If you want a more reliable solution, consider installing a hardware barrier or using squirrel-resistant screens for your porch. These specially designed screens are made with materials that are difficult for squirrels to chew through, preventing them from gaining access to your porch.

Professional Help and Different Screen Options

If all else fails, it may be necessary to seek professional help. A professional squirrel trapper can efficiently remove the squirrels from your property, ensuring that your porch remains squirrel-free. Before taking any action, check with your local authorities or township for regulations on squirrel removal in your area.

When it comes to porch screens, there are several options to choose from. Fiberglass screens are renowned for their durability and ability to provide protection from squirrels and other potential threats. Specialized options like Super Solar Screening and TuffScreen offer unique features such as increased visibility, enhanced sun protection, and improved pet and bug protection.

Screen TypeDurabilityVisibilitySun ProtectionPet ProtectionBug Protection
Fiberglass Screens
Super Solar Screening

In conclusion, if you’re looking to protect your porch from squirrel damage, implementing effective squirrel deterrent methods is crucial. By making your property less attractive to squirrels, using repellents, installing hardware barriers or squirrel-resistant screens, and seeking professional help when needed, you can ensure a squirrel-free and enjoyable porch experience. Consider your preferences and requirements when choosing from the variety of porch screen options available, and remember the additional benefits they offer, such as improved privacy, visibility, sun protectionpet protection, and defense against bugs.

Natural Repellents for Squirrels

Natural repellents can be an effective way to deter squirrels from your porch. These furry critters can cause damage and make a mess with their chewing habits, but with the right repellents, you can keep them at bay. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Coyote Urine Spray: Squirrels are naturally afraid of predators, so using a spray that mimics the scent of coyote urine can be an effective deterrent. Simply spray the repellent around your porch to create an invisible barrier that squirrels will want to avoid.
  • Homemade Recipe with Cayenne Pepper: Squirrels have a strong sense of smell, and spicy scents like cayenne pepper can be overwhelming to them. Create a mixture of water and cayenne pepper and spray it around your porch to repel squirrels.
  • Mothballs: The strong odor of mothballs can deter squirrels from coming near your porch. Simply place them strategically around the area to create a scent barrier that squirrels will find unpleasant.
  • Ammonia-Soaked Rags: Squirrels dislike the smell of ammonia, so soaking rags in ammonia and placing them around your porch can be an effective deterrent. Be sure to replace the rags regularly to maintain their effectiveness.

When using natural repellents, it’s important to remember that they may need to be reapplied periodically, especially after heavy rain or if the scent dissipates. Experiment with different options to find the one that works best for your porch and keep in mind that no single repellent is guaranteed to work in all situations. It’s also a good idea to combine repellents with other squirrel deterrent methods for maximum effectiveness.

Table: Comparison of Natural Squirrel Repellents

RepellentEffectivenessApplication MethodConsiderations
Coyote Urine SprayHighSpray around porchMay need to reapply after rain
Homemade Recipe with Cayenne PepperModerateSpray or sprinkle around porchCan be washed away by rain
MothballsLowPlace strategically around porchStrong odor may be unpleasant for humans
Ammonia-Soaked RagsModeratePlace strategically around porchScent may dissipate over time

Remember, while natural repellents can be effective, it’s important to address the underlying reasons why squirrels are attracted to your porch in the first place. Keep food sources away from your house, secure garbage cans, and remove any potential nesting sites to make your property less appealing to squirrels. By combining these measures with natural repellents, you can create a porch that is squirrel-free and enjoyable for you and your family.

Seeking Professional Help for Squirrel Removal

If your squirrel problem persists, it may be necessary to seek professional assistance for safe and effective squirrel removal. While there are various DIY methods and repellents you can try, sometimes the expertise and experience of a professional squirrel trapper are needed to fully address the issue. A professional trapper will have the knowledge and tools to safely and humanely remove squirrels from your property.

When searching for a professional squirrel trapper, it’s important to find someone who is licensed and experienced in handling wildlife. They should follow ethical practices and adhere to local regulations on squirrel removal. These regulations vary from township to township, so it’s crucial to check with your local authorities to ensure you are compliant.

By hiring a professional, you can have peace of mind knowing that the squirrel removal process will be handled properly and that any potential risks or damages caused by the squirrels will be addressed. A professional trapper will also be able to offer advice and recommendations on how to prevent future squirrel infestations and protect your porch from further damage.

Benefits of Professional Squirrel RemovalProfessional Squirrel Trapper Checklist
Safe and effective squirrel removalCompliance with local regulations knowledge and experience in handling wildlife prevention of further damageExpert advice on squirrel deterrentsSafe and effective squirrel removalCompliance with local regulations Knowledge and experience in handling wildlife prevention of further damageExpert advice on squirrel deterrents


When all else fails and squirrels still plague your porch, it’s time to call in the professionals. Hiring a licensed and experienced squirrel trapper can ensure safe and effective removal of the problem. Remember to check local regulations regarding squirrel removal and choose a trapper who follows ethical practices. With their knowledge and expertise, they can help you get rid of the squirrels and provide guidance on preventing future infestations. Don’t let squirrels take over your porch – take action and reclaim your outdoor space today!

Exploring Different Porch Screen Options

There are numerous porch screen options to choose from when upgrading your outdoor space. Whether you’re looking for enhanced durability, increased privacy, improved visibility, or protection from the sun, pets, and bugs, there’s a screen that can fulfill your preferences and requirements.

Durability and Protection:

For those seeking screens that can withstand wear and tear while providing reliable protection, fiberglass screens are a popular choice. Made from woven fiberglass material, these screens are known for their durability and resistance to damage caused by squirrels and other potential threats. Fiberglass screens are available in various thicknesses and mesh sizes, allowing you to find the perfect balance between strength and visibility.

Specialized Options:

If you’re looking for something beyond standard fiberglass screens, specialized options like Super Solar Screening and TuffScreen offer unique features and benefits. Super Solar Screening is designed to provide enhanced sun protection, reducing heat and glare while maintaining excellent visibility. TuffScreen, on the other hand, is a heavy-duty screen that offers superior durability and protection against impact and punctures. These specialized screens are ideal for areas with specific needs, such as high sun exposure or potential damage from pets or children.

Privacy and Visibility:

When it comes to balancing privacy and visibility, there are porch screen options that can cater to your preferences. If you desire more privacy, screens with tighter mesh sizes are available, limiting the view from the outside while still maintaining airflow. On the other hand, if you value visibility, screens with larger mesh sizes can offer a clearer view of your surroundings without compromising protection or insect resistance. Consider your personal needs and the layout of your porch to determine the best balance between privacy and visibility.

Protection from Sun, Pets, and Bugs:

One of the primary benefits of porch screens is their ability to provide protection from various elements. Screens treated with UV protection can shield you and your furniture from harmful sun rays, allowing you to enjoy your porch without worrying about sunburn or fading. Additionally, screens made with pet-resistant materials can prevent damage caused by pets, ensuring your screens remain intact. Lastly, porch screens act as a barrier against insects, keeping bugs at bay and creating a more pleasant outdoor environment.

Screen TypeMain Features
Fiberglass ScreensDurable, resistant to squirrel damage
Super Solar ScreeningEnhanced sun protection, reduced heat and glare
TuffScreenHeavy-duty, superior impact and puncture resistance
Privacy ScreensTighter mesh sizes for enhanced privacy
Visibility ScreensLarger mesh sizes for clearer view
Pet-Resistant ScreensProtection against pet damage
Bug-Resistant ScreensPrevention of insects entering your porch

Fiberglass Screens for Durability and Protection

Fiberglass screens are a popular choice for their durability and ability to protect your porch from squirrels and other intruders. These screens are made from woven fiberglass mesh and are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, resist tearing, and prevent pests from entering your porch.

One of the key benefits of fiberglass screens is their strength. The mesh is tightly woven, making it difficult for squirrels to chew through. This can help prevent damage to your porch and keep unwanted critters out. Additionally, fiberglass screens are resistant to corrosion, so they won’t deteriorate over time.

When it comes to protecting your porch, durability is essential. Fiberglass screens are known for their long lifespan, making them a reliable choice for homeowners. They are also easy to clean and maintain, requiring only occasional washing with mild soap and water to remove dirt and debris.

Table: Fiberglass Screen Features

DurabilityLong-lasting and resistant to tearing
StrengthDifficult for squirrels and other pests to chew through
Corrosion ResistanceDoes not deteriorate over time
Easy MaintenanceRequires only occasional washing

Whether you’re looking to replace your existing porch screen or upgrade to a more durable option, fiberglass screens provide excellent protection against squirrels and other potential threats. They offer peace of mind and allow you to enjoy your porch without the worry of damage or unwanted intruders.

In conclusion, fiberglass screens are an ideal choice for those seeking durability and protection for their porch. Their strength, long lifespan, and resistance to chewing make them a reliable option for keeping squirrels at bay. Consider investing in fiberglass screens for your porch to maintain its integrity and enjoy a peaceful outdoor space free from furry invaders.

Specialized Porch Screening Options

If you have specific requirements for your porch, there are specialized screening options available. Whether you’re looking for enhanced durability, increased privacy, improved visibility, superior sun protection, or reliable pet and bug protection, you can find a screen that perfectly matches your preferences and needs.

One popular option is Super Solar Screening, which offers exceptional sun protection while still maintaining good visibility and airflow. This specialized screen blocks up to 90% of harmful UV rays, helping to keep your porch cooler during hot summer days. With Super Solar Screening, you can enjoy the outdoors without worrying about sunburn or excessive heat.

Another excellent choice is TuffScreen, a heavy-duty screen that provides unmatched durability and protection. Made from vinyl-coated polyester, TuffScreen is resistant to tears, punctures, and weather damage, making it an ideal solution for areas prone to high winds, hail, or heavy use. This screen is also highly effective at keeping pesky bugs and insects out, allowing you to relax on your porch without the annoyance of buzzing visitors.

Screen TypeFeatures
Super Solar ScreeningBlocks up to 90% of harmful UV rays, maintains visibility and airflow
TuffScreenHeavy-duty, tear-resistant, weather-resistant, keeps bugs out

These specialized porch screening options are just a few examples of the many choices available on the market. When selecting a screen, consider factors like your climate, desired level of privacy, visibility preferences, and the specific threats you want to protect against. By choosing the right screen, you can transform your porch into a comfortable and secure outdoor space that meets all your requirements.

Considerations for Privacy and Visibility

When choosing porch screens, it’s essential to consider your desired level of privacy and visibility. You want to create a comfortable and enjoyable outdoor space that suits your needs and preferences. Whether you’re looking for a cozy retreat or a more open and connected area, the right porch screen can make all the difference.

If privacy is a priority for you, opt for porch screens that offer a higher level of opacity. There are options available that provide maximum privacy, blocking the view from outsiders while still allowing you to enjoy the natural light and fresh air. These screens are ideal if you live in a busy neighborhood or if you simply value your privacy.

On the other hand, if you prefer a more open and airy feel, consider porch screens that prioritize visibility. These screens typically have a mesh design that allows for unobstructed views of the surrounding area. You can enjoy the beauty of your garden or the landscape beyond without feeling closed off. This option is perfect if you want to create a seamless connection between your indoor and outdoor spaces.

Desired LevelScreen Type
Maximum PrivacyOpaque Screens
Open and Airy FeelMesh Screens

Remember, it’s not just about the aesthetic appeal but also about finding a balance that suits your lifestyle. Take into account factors such as the orientation of your porch, the amount of sunlight you want to let in, and how much protection you need from elements like wind and insects. By considering your privacy and visibility preferences, you can select the perfect porch screen that enhances your outdoor living experience.

Additional Benefits of Porch Screens

Porch screens offer a range of additional benefits, from shielding you from the sun to protecting your pets and keeping bugs at bay. When you install porch screens, you create a comfortable outdoor space where you can relax and enjoy the fresh air without worrying about harmful UV rays. The screens act as a barrier, reducing sun glare and blocking a significant amount of sunlight, which helps to keep your porch cooler and more pleasant during hot summer days.

Furthermore, porch screens provide a layer of protection for your furry friends. Pets, especially cats and dogs, love to spend time outdoors, but exposing them to the elements can be risky. Porch screens create a safe and secure environment for your pets, preventing them from wandering off and protecting them from potential hazards such as traffic or other animals. With porch screens in place, you can feel confident that your pets can enjoy the outdoors while remaining safe.

Bugs are a common nuisance when spending time on a porch, but with the right screens, you can effectively keep them out. Porch screens act as a barrier against insects, preventing them from entering your porch space and interrupting your relaxation time. Whether you’re enjoying a meal or simply sitting back and reading a book, porch screens ensure a bug-free environment, allowing you to fully enjoy your porch without any unwanted intruders.

Maintaining and Caring for Your Porch Screens

Proper maintenance and care are crucial for keeping your porch screens in excellent condition. By following a few simple steps, you can ensure their longevity and functionality, allowing you to enjoy your porch without any worries. Here are some important tips to help you with porch screen maintenance and care:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Keep your porch screens clean by gently washing them with a mild soap and water solution. Use a soft brush or sponge to remove any dirt, debris, or stains. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and allow them to air dry.
  2. Inspect for Damage: Regularly inspect your porch screens for any signs of damage, such as tears, holes, or loose frames. Promptly repair any minor damages using a patch kit or by replacing individual screens if needed.
  3. Trim Vegetation: Trim back any nearby vegetation, such as bushes or tree branches, that may come into contact with your porch screens. This helps prevent squirrels and other animals from easily accessing and damaging the screens.
  4. Protect During Winter: If you live in an area with harsh winters, consider removing and storing your porch screens during the colder months. This helps protect them from snow, ice, and other potential winter damage.

Remember, proper maintenance and care not only extend the lifespan of your porch screens but also enhance their effectiveness in keeping out squirrels and other unwanted critters. By following these simple steps, you can enjoy a well-protected and inviting porch for years to come.

Maintenance TipsScreens CleaningDamage InspectionVegetation TrimmingWinter Protection
Regular cleaning helps to maintain the screens’ appearance and functionality.Gently wash with mild soap and water, rinse thoroughly, and air dry.Regularly inspect for tears, holes, or loose frames. Repair or replace as needed.Trim back nearby vegetation to prevent easy access by squirrels and other animals.Consider removing and storing screens during harsh winter months to avoid potential damage.


In conclusion, squirrel proof screens and other porch screen upgrades are essential for maintaining a squirrel-free and enjoyable porch space. Squirrels can be destructive, chewing through screens and causing damage. To deter them, it’s important to make your property less attractive by removing food sources and using repellents like sprays with coyote urine or homemade remedies with cayenne pepper. Mothballs or ammonia-soaked rags can also be effective deterrents.

However, if these methods don’t work, it may be necessary to seek professional help from a trapper or check local regulations regarding squirrel removal. Taking proactive measures to keep squirrels away from your porch is crucial in order to prevent damage and ensure a peaceful outdoor experience.

When it comes to porch screens, there are various options to choose from depending on your specific needs. Fiberglass screens are a popular choice due to their durability and ability to provide protection from squirrels and other potential threats. Specialized options like Super Solar Screening and TuffScreen offer unique features and benefits, catering to different preferences.

Enhancing your porch with squirrel-proof screens not only protects against squirrel damage but also provides additional benefits such as increased privacy, improved visibility, sun protection, pet protection, and defense against bugs. Regular maintenance and care for porch screens will ensure their longevity and functionality, allowing you to enjoy your porch for years to come.


Q: How can I protect my porch from squirrel damage?

A: There are several methods you can try to protect your porch from squirrels. You can make your property less attractive by keeping food sources away from your house, such as bird feeders and plastic garbage cans. Installing hardware barriers or screens treated with coyote urine can also help prevent squirrels from chewing through your porch.

Q: What are some effective squirrel deterrent methods?

A: In addition to making your property less attractive to squirrels, you can use repellents like sprays with coyote urine or a homemade recipe using cayenne pepper. Mothballs or ammonia-soaked rags can also be effective in discouraging squirrels. If these methods fail, you may need to contact a professional trapper or check with your township for regulations on squirrel removal.

Q: Are there natural repellents for squirrels?

A: Yes, there are natural repellents for squirrels. You can use sprays with coyote urine or make your own repellent using cayenne pepper. Other options include using mothballs or ammonia-soaked rags to deter squirrels.

Q: Should I seek professional help for squirrel removal?

A: If your squirrel deterrent methods fail, it may be necessary to seek professional help. Contacting a professional squirrel trapper or checking local regulations on squirrel removal can help ensure safe and effective removal.

Q: What are the different porch screen options available?

A: There are a variety of porch screen options available to cater to different needs. From standard fiberglass screens to specialized options like Super Solar Screening and TuffScreen, you can find a screen that fits your preferences and requirements.

Q: Are fiberglass screens durable and protective?

A: Fiberglass screens are known for their durability and ability to provide protection. They can help keep squirrels and other potential threats out of your porch.

Q: What are some specialized porch screening options?

A: Some specialized porch screening options include Super Solar Screening and TuffScreen. These screens offer unique features and benefits for different porch needs.

Q: What should I consider for privacy and visibility in porch screens?

A: When selecting porch screens, it’s important to consider your preferences for privacy and visibility. Different screens offer varying levels of these features, allowing you to choose what suits you best.

Q: What are the additional benefits of porch screens?

A: Porch screens offer additional benefits such as sun protection, pet protection, and defense against bugs. They help create a more comfortable and enjoyable porch experience.

Q: How can I maintain and care for my porch screens?

A: To maintain and care for your porch screens, regularly clean them with a mild soap and water solution. Avoid using abrasive materials that could damage the screen. Check for any damages or tears and repair them promptly to ensure the longevity and functionality of the screens.

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