My Home Porch


How much does a covered back patio cost

A covered back patio is a desirable addition to any home. It creates a cozy, fashionable outdoor space for leisure and fun. The cost of building one depends on size, materials, and desired extras.

Think about the size of the area you want to cover. A bigger patio needs more stuff, so it will be pricier. Materials vary from budget-friendly concrete or wood to fancier stone or composite decking.

Adding features like an outdoor kitchen, grills, fire pits, lights, and fans will increase the cost. Don’t forget about the labor too. Hiring experts is pricey but worth it. DIYing without know-how can be risky and costly.

Factors affecting the cost of a covered back patio

To grasp the cost breakdown, we made a table outlining the key elements affecting the overall price. The table has 6 columns as follows:

  1. Patio Size: This shows the amount of material and labor hours needed for building.
  2. Materials Used: Various materials like wood, composite, stone, or tiles have different prices.
  3. Design Complexity: Elaborate designs and architectural features need more labor and expertise, resulting in higher costs.
  4. Roofing Material: Selecting roofing material influences both looks and budget. Options include shingles, metal sheets, or clay tiles.
  5. Electrical & Lighting Needs: Incorporating outlets and fixtures needs specialized wiring and installation work, adding to the cost.
  6. Permitting & Inspection Fees: Local regulations often require permits with fees and possible inspections. Plus, geographical location can make a difference.

John attempted to build his dream patio. He wanted a covered design that blended with his home. Structural modifications were needed to guarantee stability and safety. John was dismayed – these modifications increased the cost. He revised his priorities and made adjustments. By compromising on a few design aspects, he stayed within budget.

This story highlights the importance of examining multiple factors when calculating the cost of a covered back patio. Understanding financial limits and being flexible can help homeowners realize their vision.

Step 1: Determining the desired size and layout of the patio

Figuring out the size and design of your covered back patio is key in the planning process. It helps you see how the space will look and work, plus it makes sure it meets your needs.

Follow these 3 steps to choose the size and design of your patio:

  1. Measure the area: Measure the space where you’ll build the patio. Include any structures or features you want to include in the design. This will let you know how much space you have.
  2. Think about what it’s for: Consider what you’ll use it for. Is it for outdoor dining and entertaining or for relaxing? Knowing this will help you decide on the size and design that best works for you.
  3. Sketch different ideas: Once you have measured the space and thought about its purpose, sketch out different layouts. Try different placements for furniture, fire pits, water features, and anything else you want to add. This will help you come up with the best design.

These steps should help you, but also remember to think about your budget, local building codes, and practicality when deciding the size and design.

Pro Tip: Create separate zones in your patio for different activities. This will give you a more versatile outdoor living space.

Step 2: Selecting the materials for the patio cover

Creating a cozy and functional outdoor space starts with choosing the right materials for the patio cover. Here’s a guide to help you make the right decision:

  1. Take into account the climate in your area.
  2. Go for materials that can handle frequent use and exposure to sun, rain and wind.
  3. Choose materials that can be easily maintained.
  4. Pick materials that match your home’s existing design.
  5. Determine how much to invest.
  6. Ask experts for advice.

Be mindful of these details:

  • Different materials offer varying customization options.
  • Some materials offer extra insulating and noise-reducing benefits.
  • The installation process may differ for certain materials.

Fun fact: HomeAdvisor says the average cost of building a patio cover is between $4,894 and $13,535.

Step 3: Hiring a contractor or DIY approach

When it comes to constructing a covered back patio, you have two choices: employing a contractor or taking the DIY path. Here’s what you should know:

  1. Hiring a Contractor:
    • Look for reliable contractors in your area.
    • Ask for quotes from multiple contractors. Check they include details & timeline.
    • Examine credentials, licenses, & insurance coverage before choosing.
    • Sign a contract outlining project scope, costs, payment terms, & any warranties.
  2. DIY Approach:
    • Evaluate your skills & knowledge in construction or renovation.
    • Research applicable codes, permits, & regulations.
    • Make a plan with measurements & materials needed.
    • Collect tools & equipment needed.
  3. Considerations:
    • Assess budget to decide best option.
    • Think about time commitment for each choice.
    • Decide if you can manage the DIY project or hire professionals.

A funny story: Once, a homeowner hired a contractor for their back patio project, but changed their mind. After watching online tutorials, they decided to do it themselves and made an incredible outdoor living space that was the envy of their ‘hood. This proves that doing things yourself can lead to amazing results!

Step 4: Obtaining necessary permits and permissions

Getting the go-ahead for your back patio project needs certain steps. These are:

  1. Research local laws: Find out what your city or county requires. It is vital to understand these before you start.
  2. Fill the form: After you know the local regulations, fill in the needed forms. Give correct info and documents to avoid any delays.
  3. Pay and wait: Also, pay any fees needed. Then, wait for the approval from the right authorities. This takes time, so be prepared.

Note: This guide is not complete. Your area and project may need more steps.

Pro Tip: Talk to a professional designer or contractor. They can help you comply with the laws and save time and effort.

Step 5: Cost estimation and budgeting

Want a covered back patio? Estimate the costs first! Materials like wood, concrete, roofing, and fixtures must be calculated. Labor costs? Think about the time needed for construction and the contractor’s hourly rate. Set aside funds for unexpected expenses. Location, size, features, and quality of materials will affect costs. A Texas couple did it! After carefully estimating, they found their outdoor oasis was completed within budget.

Step 6: Tips for cost-saving measures

Save money and still build a stunning back patio with these tips!

  1. Pick affordable materials. Concrete or treated wood are both cost-effective and durable.
  2. Consider taking on some DIY work – if you’re handy with tools. But remember to employ pros for the more complex tasks, like electrical wiring.
  3. Shop around for the best deals. Compare prices for materials and furniture. Keep an eye out for sales, discounts, or second-hand items.

Create your dream outdoor space without breaking the bank!

Step 7: Finding reputable contractors or suppliers

When it comes to finding trustworthy professionals for your covered back patio project, there are a few steps you can follow. Here’s a guide to help you:

  1. Research online. Look for sites that show previous work and have good customer reviews.
  2. Get advice. Ask friends, family or neighbors who recently had a covered back patio built for suggestions.
  3. Check credentials. Check the potential contractors’ licenses, insurance and certifications.
  4. Ask for references. Ask them for references from past clients. Contact these references for insight into their work and satisfaction.
  5. Request detailed quotes. Compare quotes, including materials, labor costs and timeline.

Remember to take your time researching and picking the right professionals for your covered back patio project. Ask about any extra fees or hidden costs when requesting quotes – it’s important to know what’s included in the quote to avoid surprises.


Building a covered back patio for your outdoor living space is an attractive choice. It provides shade, protection, and an inviting atmosphere for relaxation and entertainment.

Costs can vary depending on size, materials, and features. A small, basic patio will usually be more affordable than one with premium materials and intricate details. Labor costs also have a major effect on the total cost. Hiring professionals or doing it yourself can affect the price.

Be aware that site preparation, permits, and landscaping may require extra expenses. It’s important to get accurate quotes from multiple sources and compare prices.

HomeAdvisor reports that the national average for building a covered back patio is between $8,000 and $25,000. But this number can change based on location and project specifics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much does a covered back patio cost?

A: The cost of a covered back patio can vary depending on various factors such as size, materials used, and additional features. On average, you can expect to spend anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 for a basic covered patio.

Q: What factors can affect the cost of a covered back patio?

A: Several factors can influence the cost of a covered back patio. These include the size of the patio, the materials used for construction, the complexity of the design, any additional features or amenities (such as lighting, fans, or heating), and the cost of labor in your area.

Q: Is it necessary to hire a professional contractor for building a covered back patio?

A: While it is possible to build a covered back patio as a DIY project, hiring a professional contractor is usually recommended. They have the expertise, knowledge, and tools required to ensure a safe and structurally sound construction. Additionally, professionals can provide guidance on design options and obtain any necessary permits.

Q: What materials are commonly used for constructing covered back patios?

A: Some common materials used for building covered back patios include wood, concrete, stone, brick, and aluminum. Each material has its own advantages and cost considerations. It is important to choose materials that suit your aesthetic preferences, durability requirements, and budget.

Q: Are there any ongoing maintenance costs associated with a covered back patio?

A: While covered back patios generally require less maintenance compared to open patios, there are still some maintenance costs to consider. This may include periodic cleaning, sealing or staining of wooden surfaces, repairs or replacement of damaged components, and the maintenance of any additional features like fans or lighting.

Q: Can a covered back patio increase the value of my home?

A: Yes, a well-built and well-designed covered back patio can increase the value of your home. It provides additional functional space, enhances the overall aesthetics, and improves the outdoor living experience. However, the extent of value increase may vary depending on various factors such as location, design quality, and the preferences of potential buyers.

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